The Haiku
Our haiku are very specifically math haiku. While we do expect the haiku on our site to keep to the 3 line, 5 syllable-7 syllable-5 syllable structure of traditional haiku, we are not expecting adherence to all of the traditional haiku rules. We do appreciate haiku with traditional references and structural elements, but the focus here is on the math. For haiku-writing resources, see our Resources page. We welcome contributions of haiku from students, teachers, and both amateur and professional mathematicians.
Who We Are
Teena Carroll is a faculty member at Emory & Henry College in Southwestern Virginia. She has studied mathematics at Kenyon College, University of Nebraska- Lincoln and Georgia Institute of Technology. She has been a poet for longer than she has been a mathematician.
Teena lives with her husband and two children on an acre of land in sight of the highest mountain peaks in Virginia. She enjoys gardening, growing fruit and learning about permaculture and other sustainable practices. She enjoys dabbling with art, in particular making Ukranian Eggs, needle felting small creatures, and sketching.
Lora Newman studied math at Kenyon College and the University of Utah many years ago and is now a PhD candidate in mathematics at the University of Cincinnati. In the intervening years, she spent her time learning lots of mostly non-math-related things with her five children while homeschooling them.
Privacy Policy
By default we do not collect any personal data on website visitors. We do use Google Analytics to track numbers of visitors to our site. If you submit haiku, you are providing us with the information included on the submission form. The information from that form that you have given us permission to post on the site may be posted publicly. We keep the information from the standard submission form indefinitely. For the “Under 13” submission form, we delete all information except the nickname and the haiku, which are not considered personally identifiable information, immediately upon sending the parent notification email. We do not share your personal information with any third parties.