Theorem: There Are Infinitely Many Primes
No? Then add one to
Jay Yellen
the product of all the primes.
Prime factor? No way!
No? What about one
Jay Yellen
plus the product of all primes?
Prime factor? No way!
No? What about one
Jay Yellen
plus the product of all primes?
It can’t be factored!
No? Then consider
Jay Yellen
one plus product of all primes.
It can’t be factored!
No? Then adding one
Jay Yellen
to the product of all primes
gets you a new one!
No? Consider one
Jay Yellen
plus the product of all primes.
It can’t be factored!
No? But adding one
Jay Yellen
to the product of all primes
gets you a new one!
No? But the number
Jay Yellen
One plus product of all primes
Is also a prime.