COVID-19 spreads—
step into limelight
Michael Leach
Monash University School of Rural Health
Category: Research Descriptions
Method Selection: Practical strategies to help students interpret problems- David Busby
Teachers can model,
The decisions they’re making,
To choose which method.
Summary of the video presentation Method Selection: Practical strategies to help students interpret problems presented by David Busby at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
Principles and Procedures in Geometry – Sudeep Gokarakonda
Start with principles,
Then add some exercises,
Formulae come last.
Summary of the video presentation Principles and Procedures in Geometry presented by Sudeep Gokarakonda at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
Behaving Mathematically – Jonathon Hall
Quick, thought provoking,
Pedagogically rich,
Lots of examples.
Summary of the video presentation Behaving Mathematically presented by Jonathon Hall at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
DoItTwistItSolveIt – Steve Lomax
Ask for examples,
Non-examples; then apply
Gives understanding.
Summary of the video presentation DoItTwistItSolveIt presented by Steve Lomax at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
Workshop by Pearson: Making up for lost time….Year 11 – Mel Muldowney and Christian Seager
Low stakes assessing,
Prioritise cross over,
Help rapid progress.
Summary of the video presentation Workshop by Pearson: Making up for lost time….Year 11 presented by Mel Muldowney and Christian Seager at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
Solving Mathematical Word Problems – 5 Activities to Build Understanding – Jean Knapp
Goal free and Changes,
Summarise and Word Focus,
Asking why and how!
Summary of the video presentation Solving Mathematical Word Problems – 5 Activities to Build Understanding presented by Jean Knapp at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
Raising Understanding. Raising Attainment – Siobhan McKenna
Contracts for success,
Thinking mathematically,
What questions to ask.
Summary of the video presentation Raising Understanding. Raising Attainment presented by Siobhan McKenna at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
Magical Maths: Provoking Curiosity – Ben Sparks and Rob Eastaway
Example magic tricks,
Do you want know how they work?,
Maths is the answer!
Summary of the video presentation Magical Maths: Provoking Curiosity presented by Ben Sparks and Rob Eastaway at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Haiku originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.
Why Learning Maths Is Hard…. and What We Can Do To Help – Stuart Welsh
Learning trumps work load,
Look at progress not the grades,
Thought process is key.
Summary of the video presentation Why Learning Maths Is Hard…. and What We Can Do To Help, presented by Stuart Welsh at The Complete Mathematics Conference. Originally posted at the Informal Maths Teacher blog.