Zero as a sum
Represents a nothingness
With others it’s strong
Anna Jewell
Category: K-12 Common Core Aligned
One Large Number
ten to the power
of twenty-seven gives rise
to one octillion
Michael Leach
Monash University School of Rural Health
Pandemic Curve
Melbourne’s 2nd wave
of confirmed COVID cases
starts to gently drop
Michael Leach
Monash University School of Rural Health
Cartesian Plane
an abstract canvas
where geometry sketches
algebra’s portrait
Ben Orlin
Math with Bad Drawings
The Mathematician’s Haiku Book
this seasonal trend
heightened penicillin use
plunges in summer
Michael Leach
Monash University School of Rural Health
Take correlation
For causation and find out
Ice cream causes crime
Jeremy Redlien
Forty-two students
Greg Warrington
compare i.i.d. birthdays.
Surprise! No two share.
Quadratic Formula
Fool-proof but messy,
Anna Bardone-Cone
The quadratic formula,
Pick zeroes like fruit.
from Math in Seventeen Syllables
The area of
Any given circle is
Always pi r squared
Lululu, age 12
Mean outliers bark
like hound dogs for our notice.
It’s just a squirrel.
David Carroll
Many data sets in the real world such as opinion surveys or rainfall amounts contain outliers — a value well outside the “typical grouping”. When using the average, or “mean”, to describe the data, a single outlier has a large effect on the average. When we provide a median value along with the mean it help people better understand the story being told by the data without being distracted by the barking dogs. –David Carroll